My department had not been working for almost for years (ever since the Bilingual Unit was created) and of course everybody had been complaining that we didn't work weekends as they do so, after so much thought, management decided to make our unit and other two dedicated units work on Saturdays to make it even for all of the employees. With 13 of us in the unit, our Saturday rotation will be about every 13 weeks (a little over 3 months) and you get a flex day during the week (my will be Wednesday - I will work two days then have a day off and then work another two days and be done with the week.
The highlight of my day was that I got to have lunch with my boys (Julio, tío Luis, Braiden and Curly) brought some delicious ribs and we sat out in the patio an enjoyed a nice 30 minute lunch.
At the end working the Saturday wasn't bad at all, I was off the phones almost the entire day (I got to work 10 claims for my department so that kept me busy and made the day go by quick. In another positive note, I get to go to the Webster's barbeque next Saturday (a must go so I' glad I won't have to miss it)

Braiden having fun running around at Mommy's work

The 3 of us!

The boys (thanks for joining Mommy for lunch)
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