We concluded our day in a very meaningful way, on our way back from my sister's in-law house (Littleton), we decided to stop by the Temple. Braiden is now able to recognize the Temple when he sees a picture and very often when we drive by church, he calls it Tempo (not able to say it the right way but by now we know what he means) so, we took the opportunity to take him to see the Tempo for the first time. It was amazing to see his reaction and the look in his face, he was excited that he was at the Tempo. When we left he was saying bye Tempo, by Moni (Moroni), bye Jesus and bye waty (the water fountain).
We will definitively go back during the day so he is able to admire the beauty of the Temple during the day.
We are so grateful for Temples that give us the blessing of being eternal families.

Jesus loves every one of us

Our eternal family
(It reminds me when two years ago we were
sealed for time and eternity with our baby boy who was 3 months old)

Braiden & Mommy

Daddy & Braiden
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