Wow, time flies, our first baby, Curly, is 4 years old now. Years ago, Julio said he wanted a dog but, we were living in an apartment and I told him he couldn't have one until we live in a house, then some other things came to mind besides space, hair, maintenance, exercise, etc, we did some research and we looked at Poodles then my sister in-law bought a poodle and we decided that a Toy Poodle was the perfect dog for us, it was small, not much maintenance and exercise required, no hail all over the place. My other sister's in-law has had Poodles for so many years and it so happened that her dog just had some puppies so, we went to see them and we fall in love with one. We have had Curly since he was 8 weeks old, we went to see him when he was a tiny & fluffy hair ball, there were two puppies that looked completely the same, the only difference was that Curly's tongue was sticking out so, that melted our hearts and we decided that he was the right one for us. While looking for a name, Julio wanted something related to the Green Bay Packers so, we came up with Curly and not necessarily because of his curly hair but, after Earl "Curly" Lambeau, founder, player and first coach of the Green Bay Packers.
To celebrate his birthday, we took him to Good Times for a special treat.
Happy Happy Birthday to Curly and many many more, we are hoping he is Braiden's companionship while growing up (Poodles have a life expectancy between 17 - 19 years)



Birthday treat
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