The Mormon Trail Center is located right across from the temple so, we crossed the street to go see the all the amazing stuff they have as well as an special exhibit that the family had seen back in April. When we first enter the center, a Sister Missionary approached us and welcomed us, she explained the process, she said we would watch a video about the Pioneers for about 15 minutes. We sat and watched the video and were very touched to see and remember all the things that our pioneers went through. After the video was over, the Sister asked us a series of questions about the video, Braiden was getting ready to go. After we went back to the center, a different Sister joined us since the first one had to leave with a tour, this second Sister had a very special spirit and wonderful attitude that make the visit very pleasant, she was super sweet and patient with Braiden. We loved everything we saw, please take a look.
We had a great time at the Center, we are glad we made time to make the trip. We hope next time we go to Nebraska we can attend a Temple Session!!

Braiden & Daddy

Jofes (as Braiden calls him), Braiden & Daddy

Mommy & Braiden

Look at them, they are really big
(we were told they are actual size)

Mommy & Braiden

By railroad to Zion...

Braiden was not interested in wearing a Pioneer outfit
(so at least we did the hats)

Team work!!

Daddy & Braiden having fun with the wagons

These wagons are so fun!!

An eternal family :)

By handcart to Zion

This is how Pioneers used to
keep track of miles..

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