Today was my second day off during the week so, I wanted to do the most I could with my day and spend time with some of my favorite people. Danni was very kind to invite us over to Lifetime to swim in the pool. Braiden goes there very often with his second family (The Leon's) and the couple times that I had gone there to pick him up, the pool looked really good so, I was excited to go, we took Tía Karina & Allan along and we had a good time. I was very happy and pleased to see Braiden does very well and that he stays within sight.
I can totally go back any day.
Thanks a lot for inviting us Danni!!

Having fun with the gun and bucket!!

The boys

This is so much fun...

Say cheese guys....

The girls

Allan & Braiden

Tía Karina, Claudia, Braiden & Pencey

Elle & her boys
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