It was time again to take Braiden to the doctor, he had his 18 month check up and while we waited for the pediatrician to see him he was having a blast, he was exploring around, he was interested in books (for few seconds), toys and chairs. During the time that I filled out the paperwork with questions about his development he was just enjoying being there and having daddy by his side. It took the peditrician a while to come and see us so in the meantime Braiden took advantange to wonder around, he opened the door and was running around the hallway so I was chasing him. It was a fun trip until his shots came, I was so glad Julio was able to go with me because I cannot do it by my self, I cannot even hold him or look at him while the nurse is giving him his shots. I was crying along with him but I made sure I got lots of pictures even though Julio questioned the pictures, I told him that I needed them for my blog.. So here are the pictures of Braiden's visit to the doctor.
We are so blessed to have such a healthy, busy and active boy..
and he got plenty of hugs and kisses
because he had just gotten shots..
DTAP vaccine: protects agains diphtheria, tetanus,
whooping cough
HAV vaccine: protects against hepatitis A
PCV13 vaccine: protects against pneumonia
he kept on pointing at it
Braiden now loves to play with doors since he is able to
open and close them (fun fun for us)

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