We went to Babies R US to get an umbrella stroller for Braiden, we were under the impression it would be a quick in & out trip, however, once there, Braiden was fascinated by everything, he wanted to look at all the toys but, he did help us choose the umbrella we needed. He also gave us an idea of what to get him soon, a tricycle, he just loved it, he want back to it so many times. He is not quite ready for a tricycle but, I think pretty soon he will be able to pedal by himself. That might be one of the things that would be waiting for Braiden under the Christmas tree, we should see!!
I had so much fun observing how our big boy loves to explore his world..

Jingle bells..
This was actually really funny, Julio was checking out the kids sons, then he found jingle bells, immediately after Braiden heard it, he was dancing, Julio kept on playing it to see if I could get a good picture of Braiden dancing but I couldn't so, next Braiden wanted to do it himself.

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