We attended a Christmas Party @ The Johnsen's, it was a wonderful evening. Carol was in charge of the food (Cafe Río menu - pork, rice and beans), for dessert we had a cookie swap (it was a wide variety: pistachio, butter pecan, Carmelitas, red velvet, chocolate chip, etc). We also had a white elephant gift exchange (we all brought toys from the Dollar Store). Since I'm all about pictures, we ended up having a photo shoot, we took pictures by couples. We had an amazing event.
Thanks so much to Carol for making the delicious food and to Danni for hosting the party.
Love you my dear friends..

Josh all excited about his gift
Julio was having a fun time with his toy..

Aimee wearing the famous silly glasses
(that everybody wanted)

Curran's turn
Yay, a princess bracelet
Lindsay posing for the camera
Just like it says, action play set

What did you do Braiden?

Interesting, is he trying to give us a hint???

Detective Barrios
White elephant time..
Momma & boys
Be nice Curran!!
The Mitchell's being silly
Boys & girls
The Eakle's
The Worland's
The Barrios
The Johnsen's
Girls silliness
The girls
The guys
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