Braiden really likes Thomas & Friends so when I saw a newspaper at work showing that there was going to be an special event for Thomas & Friends at the Colorado Railroad Museum during three weekends in September, I knew we needed to take him as he would love it. I planned to go with one of my friends from work and we decided that the best day to go would be the second Saturday (09/17). I had checked on the website that the event would be sold out but somehow I couldn't believe it, sure enough when we look online Friday night, the only time for the Thomas ride was 4pm so, we figure that if we got to the museum by 1pm we would have plenty of time to do all the other activities and wrap up the day with the amazing ride. Well, we had a slight change of plans, we ended up getting to the museum by 2pm and they told us the only tickets available for the ride were at 4:30pm (wow, I was impressed to see they were right, it was a very popular event that really gets sold out).
It was the perfect family outing, we drove to Golden and when we got near the museum, they had a sign in a parking lot telling us to park there and ride a bus in order to get to the museum. Braiden was so excited to ride a bus for the first time, he was really happy and excited. When we got the the museum we purchased the tickets and after that we walked our ways around the park, my friend and her family got there a little bit after we did. It was a very well planned event, they had maps of all the activities they had which included Sir Topham Hatt, Thomas Story Telling & Video, The Imagination Station, A Petting Zoo, A tattoo tent, A Magic Show and much more stuff.
Braiden was so happy and excited to be there with Thomas, it was so amazing to see his face, not sure what went through his head when we told him we were going to see Thomas (he probably thought we were going to take the Light Rail again). The two and a half hours that we had to complete all the activities before our ride went by fast, next thing we knew it was time to take the so expected ride with Thomas.
The weather wasn't the best and it rained a little bit towards the end but Braiden and us really enjoyed the activity, we were so glad we took him, it will be an unforgettable experience for all of us.
We could easily go back to see Thomas & Friends next year!!

Braiden got his Jr Engineer Certificate when we were
taking the ride along Thomas!

This was the prize that he got for completing
the 4 stations on the month

This was the map that we were given indicating the stations
that we had to visit to get the prize!

My friend bought this cool Thomas balloon for Braiden,
he didn't see it until we got home because he was out like a light during the ride,
he wouldn't let it go when he discovered it, thanks Rebeca!!

This is how Braiden ended the
fun day out with Thomas....

Some of Rebeca's family (her husband Alex, Ely, Rebeca & her cousin Viridiana,
her other son and nephew were next to them but somehow I couldn't get them on the picture)

Braiden and his friend the Captain :)

Daddy & Braiden ready for the ride :)

Braiden got rained on when he was waiting for his turn to
take a picture with Thomas (he was probably cold that's why he
didn't smile or he probably couldn't believe Thomas was there)

Braiden loving the Imagination Station
full of all kinds of trains

Wow, there goes Thomas......

Daddy & Braiden having fun at the Petting Zoo

This was such a cute little goat

Braiden was enjoying his time with the goats

He said, wow daddy that's really biggg

I want to go that way...

Mommy & Braiden

Look at my Thomas

Patiently waiting for his tattoo

Hi mommy!!

Thomas going around the Alpine Tunnel

Braiden & daddy waiting for Thomas to come around

Visiting our friend Sir Topham Hatt
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