I had heard so much about it and seen it on blogs that I wanted to experience Belleview Park my self. So, today after our nephew's fund raiser, we stopped by the park and spent about at hour there. The park is awesome and you can definitively be there for the entire day if you wanted to, however, it was too hot and there was a lot of people so, we only rode the train and got on the little river to cool off. Then on our way to the car, we stopped by the playground and Braiden had some fun.
We really liked this park, I'm hoping we can make it back before it closes on Labor Day weekend, I want Braiden to see the Petting Zoo!

Waiting for the train....

Mommy & Braiden

Daddy & Braiden

Our little family :)

Cooling off!!

You really need to be prepared
with extra clothes

Braiden loved this BIG swing

There he comes...
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