It was about 3:15pm (5minutes before the end of my work shift) when I got a call from Claudia, I first thought she was calling me to let me know she was going to be out and about and she needed me to pick up Braiden somewhere, however, when I heard her telling me "I need you", I started to get worry, she told me that they were at the pool at Lifetime and Braiden cut his head opened and we needed to take him to the doctor, I asked her to please go to the Kaiser's Parker Clinic and I would meet her there. I left work right on the dot and took E-470 to get to the clinic quicker, when I got there I didn't see her car but was sure she would be there any minute, I walked inside the clinic and saw a line of people but one of the people waiting in line was her so when it was our turn, I told them what happened and they sent us upstairs. Two different doctors came and they were asking me what I wanted to do, how I wanted them to handle the awee, I told them they were the ones that knew best so, they decided they will try to give him the stitches there but, it he wouldn't allow it they would send us to the ER, I agreed. The nurse clean the awee, then they numbed the injured area and Claudia & I were there, of course, Braiden was crying and getting desperate then, they said for the stitches part, we had 2 options, we could stay in the room and most likely he would be dissapointed at us for allowing them to do that to help without us stopping them or we cut step out of the room then come back with a popsicle when they were done, we both said we would go with option # 2 because we could even stand to see. We waited outside the room and we could hear Braiden continue to be very polite telling them "top it please please", they put on 4 stitches and then they told us he was all done, we walked in the room and I gave him the popsicle, he immediately stopped crying and it seemed like nothing had happened. Claudia took Braiden to the waiting room while I chatted with the doctor and received instructions of how to take care of the awee at home, the doctor told me to clean the area with water and soap twice a day, then to keep it covered with a hat or non adhesive band-aid (it will have to be a band-aid as he doesn't keep the hats on) for the entire summer that he is out on the sun, finally she said he have to go back in a week to have his stitches removed.
We got home and he wanted to eat bolis (popsicles) with this aunt, immediately after he started to play outside like nothing had happened. He has been acting normal ever since then, he doesn't even complain about his awee, instead, he shows everybody that he has "a big big awee"
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that he got mad at me when I took the first picture, I knew it was probably what he wanted at that moment but, I need to take some pictures to remember the sad moment when he had his first big big awee.
I'm so proud of you Braiden for being a brave big boy and recovering so well!!

And finally this,
him showing off his big awee!!

To this
(a popsicle makes everything better)

We went from this..
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