For our Saturday activity, we got together as a family, we went to dinner and then we went to play mini golf. We went to Fun City which is very close to my sister's in-law house, we had never taken Braiden to play mini golf and we were up for the experience, he actually did pretty good and had a fun and slow mini golf game.
Even though I'm not in any of the pictures, I was there, I was their photographer.
We will definitively take Braiden for some mini golf again, we would probably try a different place.
It was a fun family activity!!

Braiden the expert

Reyna & Andrea

Brother & sister waiting for their turn

Andrea all ready to go

Good job Braiden,
really close to the hole...

Go Julio

Julio observing Braiden's skills

You can do it Braiden

The boys

Braiden's first attempts

Say cheese Braiden

Getting ready for the game to start

Braiden exploring
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