We decided that our family activity for the month of November would be to go to the Zoo. It was a free day and it was a Saturday (that was exciting since normally the majority of free days are during the week which we cannot attend) and it would be Braiden's first time there, we thought we would be ready to enjoy the visit. We followed Jill's advice, we got to the zoo about 9:30am (before they open) and it was very nice because we were able to find a parking space immediately (thanks for the tip Jill). We didn't get off the car until almost time for them to open, we got in line and the line moved pretty fast. Once inside, we had Braiden very cozy in his stroller then, we noticed he was not able to see much so, we opted for taking him of the stroller so he could walk and see everything. That didn't work as we wished, instead of being interested in the animals, he was too concentrated in pushing his stroller (at that point we wish we hadn't taken it with us) so Julio went back to the car and left it there. That was the solution to the problem, Braiden started to walk pulled by his monkey leash and to observe everything around him. The weather wasn't as bad and there wasn't that much people (I guess because we were there first thing in the morning). It was a really nice family time, we really enjoyed it.
would make a cool looking picture.

to be in the pictures..
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