Lately I had been thinking if Braiden was ready for Little Monkey Bizness so, yesterday in celebration of día del niño (México)/children's day, we decided to give it a try, Friday nights they close at 8:00pm and after 5:00pm is only $5 so, I figured, if he doesn't like it or enjoy it, it was only $5.00. We were only there for about 45mns but Braiden had a blast, we are for sure going back. It was such a fun and exciting experience too bad it ended with some tears (not because he didn't want to leave when they were closing) but, because he hit his head on that lovely and colorful toy, he has a small bruise but he is acting just like normal..
The Daily Dose with Dr. Daryl L. Williams
A word every day to get you on your way! Here is the Daily Dose for Monday,
May 24, 2021. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to
speak i...
3 years ago