I never knew anything about the church until I met my husband and his sister Dora. They talked to me about the church for four years but I was very stubborn and did not want anything to do with the church, I remember telling them that I would never join the church, I will never get baptized. Even when I finally opened the door to the missionaries, I told them that if they wanted to waste their time with me they were more than welcome to come in. Thanks to the patience, persistence and love from Elders Heaps and Elder Parker, I decided to be humble and get on my knees to pray and get an answer about baptism, when I got an answer and confirmation that it was the right thing to do, I emailed Elder Heaps (who had been transferred to a different area) and told him I wanted him to baptize me, he said he would do everything in his power to get permission from his mission leader to come back and baptize me, I'm so grateful that he got permission to come and baptize. I was a little nervous when I was ready to be baptize and he wasn't there, good thing he showed up immediately after and I was baptized as a member of the church.

With friends and family
after the baptism was over

The Moyer's, the first family that welcomed
us to the Parker Ward

The Taylor's (The Bishop and his wife)

The twins (my sister in-law (right)
and her sister in-law (left)

Julio and Elder Heaps really excited
about my special day!!

Getting ready to be baptized!!

More than ready :)

With Bernie & his wife

The Webster's

Sister Rohwedder