Today was Andrea's 13th birthday so after work, we went to my sister in-law's house, we had dinner, then went trick or treating and came back so Andre could cut her cake.
It was a really fun night as this is the first year where Braiden actually enjoyed the trick or treat experience.
These are some of the things that Braiden did and said:
* He got scared with Alan's costume, he kept telling me it was scary as he couldn't see Alan's face, once Alan showed Braiden it was him he was okay.
* When we got to the area where we were going to be knocking on doors, he was afraid of some of the decorations, he kept on asking me "Mommy no scary" and as soon I as told him no, he was okay
* He would take his time looking at the decorations
* He wanted to pet every dog in every house, he kept saying wow wow big
* He was really slow walking and wouldn't collect much candy
* Daddy started to run with him and pretty soon his pumpkin was getting really full and went we told him to let us put his candy away as his pumpkin was going to the say he kept saying, no is mine
* He learned how to say trick or treat
* He got really scare at one of the houses that had a candy bowl with the hand inside, he asked for a second candy from the bowl that didn't have the hand inside
* At some houses he would ask if he could have two candies
After we had cake and we went home, he was really tired and fall asleep in the car.
It was such a fun Halloween, I'm sure Braiden will be ready and excited next year!!

Tío Ricardo, Braiden & Tía Karina

Tía Lupita & Tío Mario

Delicious cake....

Happy birthday Andrea

Braiden and prima Andrea

The pirates

Ready for some candy.....

Our cute pirate
(he refused to wear the eye patch so we tried to paint one on)

Trick or treat!!