Sunday, September 12, 2010

Braiden is officially in Nursery!!

It is Nursery time, Braiden went to Nursery by him self, we both went to drop him off but it was not working out very well, I told Julio to go and I was the one that stayed there a little bit longer, I believe he realized that it was time for him to be there without Mommy or Daddy and he started to cry, then he went to look for a toy and I disappeared, I knew it was time for me to go. During the entire second hour of the block I felt empty, I was missing something, I was wondering how he was doing so, I couldn't resist and I peeked twice, as I was trying to open the door just a little bit that I could see inside, people walking by told me "don't let him see you", he did not see me but I saw he was crying, then the second time that I looked he was being held by one of the sisters. During second and third hour I was expecting one of the sisters to come look for either of us but nobody showed up so I felt it was a success. When we went to pick him up, we asked how he did and we were told he did just fine, he cried a little bit and then he wanted to cuddle but other than that he did well. He was so excited to see Daddy and Mommy, of course Mommy had to take pictures for the blog so here they are..

Great job Braiden!!!

Okay, all done, I'm ready to go home..

I would like to pose first..

I don't need help, I can get in the car seat by my self..

Could you please open the door??

I go to Nursery now, I'm a big boy,
I can walk by my self...

Hi daddy, I'm so happy to see you!!

Thanks for holding me :)


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